Products 1-6 of 6
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HH-Rose Bouquet -
A beautiful hand held bouquet fashioned with the finest roses, greens and accent flowers. We can vary flower and ribbon colors to beautifully compliment what you are wearing, and will artistically arrange them and wrap the stems in the color ribbon of your choosing.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HH-Assorted -
A beautiful hand held bouquet fashioned with the finest roses, greens and accent flowers. We can vary flower and ribbon colors to beautifully compliment what you are wearing, and will artistically arrange them and wrap the stems in the color ribbon of your choosing.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Bout-Red -
A stylish classic red boutonniere created with a premium white rose, greens and accent flowers. Let us know if there is a special accent flower or color.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Bout-Rose -
A stylish classic boutonniere created with a premium rose, greens and accent flowers. Let us know if there is a special accent flower or color.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: princess -
This special package is just for the father daughter dances. By default we will deliver the flowers directly to the dance you choose A petite wrist corsage in a color scheme of your choosing is fashioned on an adjustable Velcro band. The gentleman date receives a coordinated carnation boutonniere When ordering, simply indicate the color choices for flowers and ribbon in the box above
Availability: In Stock
Item #: cors-white -
A beautiful wrist corsage fashioned with the finest roses, greens and accent flowers. Tell us the color of flowers and/or ribbon you have in mind, and we will artistically arrange roses and beautiful accent flowers on a basic wrist band.